Women Investors
Women are amazing and we love working with them! The statics show that women generally live longer than men, unfortunately make less than men over their lifetime, and are often care takers for other relatives. All of these events lead to a need for focused financial planning and a dedicated partner to ensure she achieves her goals.
Case Study:
Beth is in her late 60’s. She and her husband started working with CAM shortly before her husband passed away. She had a few pensions and retirement accounts scattered around and was unsure about what choices she needed to make following her husband’s death. Plus, she was used to having him make decisions with her and this was the first time she would be doing it alone. Losing a spouse is one of the hardest times in someone’s life but add to that the burden of making big financial decisions and it can be overwhelming.
Financial Planning Needs
The Solution:
CAM was able to immediately help Beth get organized and get through some of the initial stages of estate settlement. The loss of a loved one is one of the hardest stages in a person’s life. When you add the stress of settling life matters to a grieving spouse, it can feel overwhelming to them. We were able to hold Beth’s hand throughout the entire process and follow up with home visits and multiple calls to coach her through the process. Sharing her goals, fears and dreams helped Beth process and envision her new life as a widow. With a little investment education and putting a financial plan in place, Beth felt like her goals could be accomplished and gave her peace of mind.
These are fictional client pictures and profiles that provide case studies that represent unique individual situations and outcomes that have been presented to CAM. Examples are for illustrative purposes only and may not necessarily be replicated.