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“Math is Math” – Reviewing Q2 2022

Disciplined investors view a bear market as a great opportunity to invest available cash into stocks trading at deep discounts. But those who fled the market in early 2020 struggled with staying disciplined. Their fears, emotions, and worries about a very uncertain world got the best of them. These same investors are likely not viewing the current stock sell-off as a buying opportunity. As we like to say, “Math is math” and perhaps it really is an opportunity for many of us given these lower prices.

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Black and white picture of a rollercoaster

A Cycle of Investor Emotions

In times of unimaginable suffering such as the Ukrainian people are experiencing at the hands of their Russian invaders, it can feel cold-hearted to consider such crises from a financial…

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Roth Conversions are a Big Deal

It is no secret 2020 took the world by surprise and will be the year we all remember. It also seems investors have learned there are many things we certainly cannot control.

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History and Presidential Elections

What History Tells Us About US Presidential Elections and the Market It’s natural for investors to look for a connection between who wins the White House and which way stocks will go. But as nearly a century of returns shows, stocks have trended upward across administrations from both parties.

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Don’t Just Do Something, Stand There!

It is a wry and wise way of turning the conventional wisdom about what to do in bear markets on its head. When panic grips the stock market – as it did in February and March of this year – the gut instinct of investors is to do something.

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How Fast The World Can Change

On February 12, the Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at an all-time high of 29,551. At that time, the economy was humming, corporate earnings were rising and unemployment was at lows last seen during the mid-1950s.

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